Four ways to embrace remote work during Covid-19 crisis

19 March 2020

Dana Borowka of Lighthouse Consulting Services offered four avenues to smooth the remote work transition for organizations.

Covid-19 related restrictions have forced many organizations to shift to remote work for the foreseeable future. As governments seek to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 breakout so as to not overwhelm healthcare services, organizations which are capable of doing so are transitioning employees to remote work to comply with social distancing imperatives.

"In today's pandemic world, a work from anywhere program is a viable solution for companies. Employees need to be trained on how to transition into a remote worker environment and learn the expectations of their participation in the program," said Borowka, co-founder and CEO of Lighthouse Consulting Services.

Four ways to embrace remote work during Covid-19 crisis

The Santa Monica, CA–based firm provides services in work style and personality and skills assessments, as well as support on team building, executive coaching, conflict management, and career guidance.

Borowka, who has deep experience advising clients on transition to remote work, offers four points to consider as companies embark on their own forays in the area.


Team meetings should continue as usual, with the use of video conferencing. “If an interactive process is warranted, the chair can ask each person directly for their feedback, giving a ‘protected’ space to speak,” Borowka noted.


Managers need training, practice, and discipline to successfully engage a remote workforce, so that staff receive a sufficient amount of attention even though they’re not in the office. Companies need to figure out policies like how often managers should touch base, and what expectations around participation are for remote staff.


Strong company culture is needed to ensure that employees are serving clients and working together in the same manner. Companies need to evaluate how remote work might impact their organization’s culture and values. “Is collaboration important to you? Then, what tools would be needed to ensure successful collaboration continues?” Borowka asked.


Data security should be the top concern for remote working technology, with proper protocols in place to securely connect to company networks. Companies should determine what equipment should be used, and what risks personal home computers pose.