Corporate tax consultancy DMA expands into Europe

11 February 2021

DuCharme, McMillen & Associates (DMA), a Fort Wayne, IN-headquartered corporate tax consulting firm, has expanded into Europe with a new location in Germany.

DMA’s expansion into Germany will enable the company to better serve European companies with operations in the United States.

European companies can often have difficulty managing the complex maze of US state and local tax schemes. Tax compliance has become even more challenging in the wake of the Wayfair court decision, which greatly expanded the number of companies required to collect tax in the US. The 2018 Supreme Court case ruled that states may charge tax on purchases from out-of-state sellers, even if they don’t have a presence in the taxing state.

"There are over 12,000 taxing jurisdictions in the US alone. We find that our European clients with operations in the US can be overwhelmed by the complexities of US taxation, and we believe that with a European presence, we'll be better able to support those clients with their US tax automation needs,” said Justin Reinard, DMA's EVP of tax technology.

Corporate tax consultancy DMA expands into Europe

An increasing number of global corporates – including US, Canada, and Europe-based companies – are looking to automate their transaction tax compliance with comprehensive, global solutions, according to DMA. The company’s tax technology practice connects clients’ ERP systems to software that automates tax calculations for purchase and sales transactions and streamlines reporting to the appropriate taxing authorities. This frees up valuable time and resources for internal tax, IT, and accounting departments.

Dan Hutmacher, CEO of DMA, notes that more companies have been approaching tax automation from a global perspective as an increasing number of jurisdictions increase the scope of their tax regimes and compliance obligations. “As many organizations are now considering a global tax software deployment instead of US-only tax automation, DMA's expanded footprint allows us to better support our global clients," Hutmacher said.

Founded in 1972, DMA helps companies minimize taxes, enhance their tax function with cutting-edge technology, and manage tax compliance. The firm has offerings across property tax, sales/use & commodity tax, state income & franchise tax, tax technology, value added tax, customs & duty, crown royalties, and unclaimed property.

DMA has more than 400 employees across 15 US locations and three Canadian locations.