Armanino appoints record partner class in 2023

31 January 2023

Armanino, a national accounting and consulting firm, has appointed its largest ever partner class – numbering 26 professionals.

Half of the 2023 partners are women, many of whom completed the company’s executive access program that pairs female managers with executives to help build relationships and drive career advancement.

“Our new partners have diverse career backgrounds and experiences that make Armanino greater and better prepared to empower our clients with the best and most innovative solutions that help them achieve their goals,” said Matt Armanino, CEO and managing partner of Armanino. “We are proud of what they’ve already accomplished here at the firm and look forward to the possibilities they can bring to life with their talent and leadership.”

The 2023 partner class is:

Ryan Barragar, Tax, Irvine
Jillian Bergman, Audit, Austin
Summer Breen, Audit, Dallas
Mike Butler, Consulting, Bellevue, Washington
Shandy Dunn, Consulting, San Ramon
Kyle Elam, Consulting, Dallas
David Fromowitz, Business Management, New York
Grant Goerzen, Audit, Denver
Kevin Guy, Risk Assurance Advisory, Dallas
Stephanie Hardt, Audit, St. Louis
Allison Jasper, Tax, St. Louis
Amy Julian, Consulting, St. Louis
Roberto Marin, Tax, San Ramon
Ian Martini, Audit, Irvine
Megan McDonald, Tax, St. Louis
Patrick McGuire, Tax, St. Louis
Kristina Meyer, Tax, Los Angeles
Jason Morris, Tax, Los Angeles
Shannon Oswald, Consulting, El Segundo
Parnia Pandkhou, Consulting, Los Angeles
Gail Peisach, Business Management, Dallas
Todd Reich, Tax, St. Louis
Eugene Sung, Tax, San Ramon
Brandee Tilman, Tax, Los Angeles
Joanne Yeung, Tax, Philadelphia
Chad Zoretic, Consulting, Dallas

Headquartered in San Ramon, CA, Armanino is the 21st largest accountancy in the US, according to Inside Public Accounting. The firm has more than 2,500 employees and annual revenue of $444.1 million.