What are the top consulting firms in the United States? Our guide of top consulting firms provides an overview of the industry’s leading players.
The consulting industry in the United States is worth billions of dollars, and is home to hundreds of consulting firms – large, mid-sized, boutique and niche consultancies – serving clients across all industries and segments, and specialised in every conceivable area of expertise.
However, only a select handful of consulting firms can claim to be a leader in the United States' consulting market, or a leading player in their segment. Our guide of best consulting firms in the US breaks down the top players across a range of different dimensions, leveraging our unique global database of more than 10 million data points per year, of which 2 million relate to the American market.
As with any ranking, also in consulting there is no unambiguous definition of what defines a ‘top consulting firm’ in the US. It basically depends on who you ask, when you ask it, what type of service / expertise is assessed, and a range of other criteria. To reflect this variety in the landscape, the Consulting.us guide takes a holistic view and presents several different lists of top consulting firms.
Our database is based on proprietary research by Consultancy.org, and on the views of thousands of clients (i.e. buyers of consulting services), consultants and industry staff, job seekers and graduates. The data spans all segments of the consulting landscape, from strategy, management and organisation to mergers & acquisitions, finance, supply chain, human capital and dozens of other areas of expertise.