AI startup Hypergiant names Bill Nye advisor
AI startup Hypergiant Industries has announced celebrity scientist Bill Nye – also known as “Bill Nye the Science Guy” – will serve on its executive advisory board. Advisors on the board specialize in astronautics, climate change, artificial intelligence, ethics in AI, and aerospace.
"We know it's critical to have the leading thinkers of our time join with us as we continue this amazing journey. This board is a collection of people who are changing the way we think about various enterprise sectors but also the planet, technology, space, and what's best for the entire human race," Ben Lamm, CEO and co-founder of Hypergiant, said in a statement.
Lamm serves as an advisory council member for The Planetary Society, a nonprofit that advocates for the study and exploration of space, of which Nye is the CEO. Nye in Februrary was quoted in a Hypergiant press release regarding the organization’s AI-driven aerospace software division, Hypergiant Galactive Systems. An article published by TechCrunch reported that Nye would focus on climate change and space exploration in his work with Hypergiant.
"Hypergiant has an ambitious mission – to address some big problems using artificial intelligence systems. I'm looking forward to working with Hypergiant to develop artificially intelligent systems in [the aforementioned] two areas I care about a great deal. We need to think big, and I'm very optimistic about what AI can do to make the world quite a bit better," Nye said.
Hypergiant’s executive advisory board comprises 12 professionals. In addition to Nye, it includes former astronaut Andy Allen, who has logged more than 900 hours in space over his three space flights, and retired four-star Air Force general Lance Lord, who previously served as commander of the Air Force Space Command and assistant vice chief of staff of the Air Force.
Artificial intelligence seemingly offers unbridled potential, and there are no shortages of businesses seeking to capitalize on its power. The number of industry acquisitions grew by 40%, to more than 150 deals, in 2018 – and 2019 is set to again break the record as the tech makes waves in HR, healthcare, and supply chains. AI is also a lucrative $340-billion opportunity for organizations that are able to successfully leverage it in the retail sector.