Former Accenture CHRO Jill Smart joins AlixPartners Board of Directors

13 November 2018

Global management consultancy AlixPartners has welcomed Jill Smart as a member of its Board of Directors. She joins as a representative of strategic investment partner La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (“CDPQ”), which handles the Canadian province’s $308 billion in pension plan and insurance program investments. The former Accenture Chief Human Resources Officer has over three decades of experience in the consulting industry.

Jill B. Smart was CHRO at Accenture for almost a decade, retiring in 2014 after spending 33 years at the global management and technology consulting giant. She was replaced by Ellyn Shook, who remains in the role to this day. As CHRO, Smart led Accenture’s global HR agenda, including resource planning, recruitment, training, engagement, and succession planning. During her tenure, Smart oversaw the near tripling of the firm’s workforce from 100,000 to 281,000.

Before assuming executive roles in HR management, Smart’s work at Accenture centered around business integration initiatives (i.e. aligning business strategy with IT), helping clients successfully navigate major transformations.Former Accenture CHRO Jill B. Smart joins AlixPartners board of directorsIn 2015, she became the President of the National Academy of Human Resources, an organization which performs HR-related research, outreach, and initiatives, while also recognizing distinguished professionals within the industry. Smart was a Director at talent acquisition and management firm Alexander Mann Solutions from 2015 until this year, when the company was sold.

Smart has also served as a Director at product development and software engineering solutions firm EPAM Systems for the past two years. Now, the seasoned consulting executive will take on a Director role at management consulting and turnaround expert AlixPartners.

“I am delighted that Jill will be joining the AlixPartners board,” said Simon Freakley, CEO of AlixPartners. “Her combined skills as both a leader in a global management consulting organization and an expert in the field of human resources make her a great addition to our firm. Her experience and counsel will be of real benefit as we continue to grow AlixPartners as the career choice for the very best talent in our industry.”

Smart is also on the board of trustees of the University of Illinois, as well as board member of The Goodman Theater. She holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Illinois.

In other recent AlixPartners appointments, the consultancy added Jim Takach as a Managing Director in LA, and Mark Flamme as a Managing Director in Chicago.

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